Has your significant other ever broken up with you because your ex who turned out to be gay made a pass at their dad? Have you ever been sentenced to a prison sentence because you were framed by illegal aliens who really work for an elitist company that secretly dominates the U.S. government? Are you secretly a superhero after your drain regurgitated toxic waste on you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you even thought "no, but that sounds like it could happen," you are definitely one of the few and proud "I watch and obsess over television dramas crowd''.
While other college kids are saying things like, "lets go to the game," or "let us go clubbing," or "let's get plastered," BYU students are saying things along the lines of, "did you catch glee last night," or "I have seasons 1 through 900 of Lost," or "my roommates and i ate ice-cream through all of season 1 of Heroes last night."
Is there a problem with this picture? The answer is YES! We need to get out folks!
I myself am a fan of a good show called "Modern Family." However, i, unlike most students at BYU realize that Phil and Claire Dumphey are actors. They are not real people.
My case for watching less TV seasons and getting out more is two fold...1st fold-we are losing touch with what is acceptable in reality and my 2nd fold is that i think we are missing opportunities.
1-Have you ever watched a show like "the OC" or "One-Tree Hill?" You may think it is normal to attempt to kill the man that stole your girlfriend, or you may think that suicide is a viable option after losing your boyfriend....THIS IS NOT THE CASE! You are under a haze of misconceptions that i like to call...."haze of misconceptions." You must run...the facts are TV relationships are not realistic...TV characters are not realistic...I mean how many people have you met that have killed 72 people in a 24 hour period?
2 fold-have you ever stayed home from hiking, boating, or bowling because you didn't want to stop watching "Gilmore Girls" season 2?...after all you have only watched it for 12 consecutive hours. Have you ever stood a date up because Michael Schofield was about to escape prison...AGAIN...in prison break!? If you answered yes to these questions or have committed similar transgressions....than your dumb!!! Live you life for you...Dont live vicariously through a fictional character on the tube.
I am calling for change (sounds like Obama)! Get out and do stuff...live in our reality, the real reality!